[Pick Of The Week] Foolish Deep – “Rule The World” (Tears For Fears Cover)

We first introduced you to alt-pop band Foolish Deep this past summer with their gorgeous live version of “Looking For The Moon.” Now, the duo are back to dazzle us once again with a cover of the beloved Tears For Fears track, “Everybody Wants to Rule The World.”

Trust us when we say you won’t be able to turn this one off; it is that good! Taken from the band’s forthcoming live EP, Foolish Deep Live at Palomino Sound, “Rule The World” is a classic that has been covered dozens of times, but nothing beats this one!

“The 80’s sound has always been the most inspiring to me. I can’t describe precisely what it is about that decade that fascinates me, but if I had to put it into words it would be the pure energy and coolness these guys portrayed so naturally,” shared singer/songwriter Caspar Madaus-Brueck. “Lyrics were honest, styles were taken to an extreme, and on top of that, I believe, compositionally, it was one of the greatest songwriting eras of all time. ‘Everybody Wants To Rule The World’ is one of the songs I constantly heard on the radio as a kid. The song reappeared with the revival of the 80’s movement when it was suggested in one of my playlists and it took me right back to my youth—sitting in a car next to my dad and singing along. It wasn’t until I discovered the band The Night Game that I noticed retro synthesizers and chorus guitars were the greatest sounds I have ever heard in music. I instantly went home and tried to come as close to their guitar sound as possible. With that, our band’s own retro 80’s sound came to life.”

“Until this day, The Police, Johnny Hates Jazz, Mr. Mister, Genesis, Richard Marx, Toto, and the like have been my favorite bands, and probably always will be. Frankly, I was excited when the 80’s sound made a reappearance in pop music but, much to my chagrin, I realized it was never as authentic. Yes, in some of todays pop music, you may hear the synthetic snare sounds with big reverb and some familiar key patches, but nobody seems courageous enough to dive into the real 80’s rock n roll characteristics —great musicianship of bands with real character and outstanding guitarists. This is what I am after, this is what I am here for. Foolish Deep is the band that wants to make you roll down your window, turn up the sound, and get your yacht rock on.”

Check out the video for “Rule The World” below:

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