[LISTEN] Martellos – “West”

Irish indie-electro duo, Martellos, first dazzled us last year with their debut single, “Card Tricks.” Now, the band is unleashing their debut EP, Strawberry Blonde, on August 4 and lead single, “West” is not to be slept on!

With the EP being written about mental health and the overall theme of the prominence of those struggles, “West” speaks to those who have ever felt adrift in life. With an infectiously moody and synth-driven soundtrack, “West” was inspired by the duo’s upbringing in the West/North-West of Ireland.

Written at the end of the year in London, a time when those fortunate enough are looking forward to going home for Christmas and seeing their families, the duo turned their pain into something listeners can all relate to.

“The build up to Xmas had me thinking about home a lot, hence maybe the Donegal line in the song. I think being on the outside looking in lends a different perspective, and Martellos certainly leaned on this perspective for the EP. ‘West’ is like an intoxicant inspired note to self about trying to be honest and true to yourself when things are not going your way. The repetition of the verses is supposed to replicate somebody trying to convince themselves of their own words by saying them over and over. The music grows gradually bigger and more chaotic until a crescendo when the music and chaos engulfs these words of encouragement. Take from that what you will.”

Listen to “West” below:

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