[LISTEN] GEMS – “Crippled Inside”

GEMS have returned with their own rendition of John Lennon’s Imagine via Turntable Kitchen and we are beyond excited! The duo re-imagined Lennon’s entire album exclusively for Turntable Kitchen’s Sounds Delicious vinyl subscription service and new offering, “Crippled Inside,” takes on a whole new meaning years later, further proving that Lennon’s work is timeless.

Painfully vulnerable, haunting and quite reminiscent of the current culture we live in today, GEMS magnifies a poignant release with “Crippled Inside,” making it a chilling and unforgettable reinterpretation.

“The lyrics are so pertinent to today’s Instagram culture. It’s crazy how history just repeats itself over and over.” – Lindsay Pitts

Listen to “Crippled Inside” below:

Tina Roumeliotis

Tina is a freelance writer, author and the founding editor of The Daily Listening. You'll most likely find her introverting in her bedroom with her vinyl collection and a pair of headphones. Her poetry collection, Fools Like Me, is out now on Amazon.

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