[LISTEN] YØUTH – “Blame”

Nashville indie up-and-comer, YØUTH, has something not a lot of artists possess these days. With his nostalgic, Dashboard Confessional-esque vibes and emotive vocal stylings, YØUTH is proving to be a refreshing take on a genre that tends to blend in with the masses lately.

Debut album, Blame, drops on October 20 but we get a first taste today with the lead single of the same name. Fitting for a late 90’s/early 2000’s teen drama soundtrack placing, “Blame” showcases YØUTH’s poignant ability to get to the heart of the matter in a little over three minutes.

“‘Blame’ is a song I wrote about someone who I perceive as a constant victim of their circumstance and decision-making. It’s also about my journey from shame and guilt to reality. It’s about taking responsibility for what is mine, while also disassociating from burdens that aren’t mine to carry. It’s the title track of the upcoming record and I think it captures the mood of digging oneself out of a self-defeating mindset.”

Listen to “Blame” below:

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Tina Roumeliotis

Tina is a freelance writer, author and the founding editor of The Daily Listening. You'll most likely find her introverting in her bedroom with her vinyl collection and a pair of headphones. Her poetry collection, Fools Like Me, is out now on Amazon.

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