[ALBUM REVIEW] The Vryll Society – ‘Course of the Satellite’

The Vryll Society have been popping up here and there on various music blogs lately, indicating the interest their music has in listeners. The hype is only getting bigger and bigger with their highly anticipated debut album Course of the Satellite released today.

Showcasing the effortless talent of the Liverpool five-piece – consisting of Michael and Ryan Ellis, Lewis McGuinness, Lloyd Shearer, and Benjamin Robinson – Course of the Satellite is best enjoyed as an entity. Its uniqueness lies within the complexity. Whereas the main machine of the industry almost exclusively focuses on selling with singles, this record speaks for itself.

Of course certain elements will always stand out, such as the title track being the ideal opener or the epic guitar solo on previous single “Andrei Rublev,” but none of it distracts too much from the mellow psychedelic flow throughout the 11 songs, which seemingly comes very naturally for the band. Songs “Glows and Spheres,”  “Light at the Edge of the World,” and “Shadow of a Wave” are slightly more upbeat additions than the rest, bringing more energy into the genre.

The funky rhythm on “When the Air Is Hot” is an interesting one; fitting as Britain and the rest of the world is pretty much melting in the idle heat this summer. Last track “Given To Me” sees itself out in unexpected minimalist melancholy for the end and rather beautifully so as it fades away in the ether.

In conclusion, Course of the Satellite is not for the faint of heart with a short attention span. You will need your focus all the way through. However, laying down to listen and blocking out every distraction is essential to properly enjoy and digest the record.

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Course of the Satellite is out now on Deltasonic Records. The band is heading out on a UK tour this autumn!

Dóra Udvardi

Writer. Photographer. Admirer of Arts.

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