[LISTEN] Night Owls – “Do You Want It All?”

Leeds, UK based trio Night Owls delivers infectious grunge-pop discussing some pretty interesting cultural topics so it pretty much goes without saying that they’re a band you wouldn’t want to miss.

“Do You Want It All?” is the first single off the trio’s upcoming Tragically Human EP – set to be released in May. “We thought it would be interesting to explore the arrogance and fear of someone who had abused their position of power, and was about to have their whole world crumble around them,” says the band.

Although written about the recent abuse scandals in Hollywood, it could easily be interpreted into any other similar situation in life. It is a quite unique point of view when it comes to songwriting: we not only get to see the act of wrongdoing but the demise of the abuser as well. In an age where problematic lyrics and bands are often glorified, the contrast of actually addressing a serious problem is quite a pleasant experience that gives some kind of hope towards a better, safer future in music.

Let’s hope Night Owls keep up this habit and surprise us with more think-piece worthy tracks like “Do You Want It All?” in the future.

Listen to “Do You Want It All” below:

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Photo by Georgia Richards

Dóra Udvardi

Writer. Photographer. Admirer of Arts.

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