[LISTEN] Youth Basketball – “No Reason”

Youth Basketball is the moniker of Los Angeles singer/songwriter Ian Kieffer and boy, are you guys in for a treat!

Kieffer began writing songs at age 10, so it’s really no surprise that he’s made quite the impression. Best described as whimsical and rather refreshing, the essence of the Youth Basketball project has always been nothing short of genuine; something we strive to share here at TDL.

The singer’s new track, “No Reason,” takes on elements of yacht-rock mixed with a retro-pop vibe reminiscent of HAIM meets Kaptan, sprinkled with remnants of Elton John. Believe us. It’s magic.

“‘No Reason’ is a song about how things just happen in life. How, to me, there’s no meaning,” Kieffer explains. “I liken life to when one ‘breaks’ in a game of pool. You hit the rack, the balls scatter, and whatever happens, happens. If you want to create your own meaning in the randomness, go ahead, but don’t pretend like you have the definitive answer.”

Listen to “No Reason” below:


“No Reason” is available now here.

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