[LISTEN] Twa Formay – “1-800-SUM-LOVE”

Los Angeles synthpop trio, Twa Formay, are an 80’s dream. Blending synthwave soundscapes with modern day sonic sensibilities, listeners will have their new single, “1-800-SUM-LOVE” on repeat for a while.

The track is the first of many singles to come throughout 2023. Reminiscent of Brain Tan meets Regard, “1-800-SUM-LOVE” is a vibey gem perfect for those upcoming pool parties and summer adventures.

“We spent a lot of time refining this track and trying to mold it into a shape we thought we wanted, but in the end, it was itself. Lyrically it sends a very simple message. No matter what, you can call me.”

Listen to “1-800-SUM-LOVE” below:

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