[Guest DJ] Redlands’ Ben Lohle

We love sharing our themed playlists for you here at The Daily Listening but what we love even more is getting a glimpse at what you guys are listening to. This also goes for what our favorite artists are jamming to as well, which is why we wanted to bring you something extra special in the form of guest DJs!


Kicking off our brand new series is Redlands frontman Ben Lohle who not only understands the thrill of discovering new music but has been a part of our own discovery over the past year. Today he shares 10 tracks to get you through the day along with a special quote below.

“We listen to so much music as a band that it’s hard to pick and choose, but finding new music is something that’ll never get old. Some days it’s finding that one song that speaks to you and gets you through the day. Hope you enjoy our playlist!”

The Daily Listening

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